EMMA Systems

EMMA Systems and ACI World: a logic fit

EMMA Systems is a leading software provider specializing in solutions for airports and airlines to enhance efficiency, increase sustainability, and ensure full transparency in all airport operations.

By integrating all airport data into a single source of truth, EMMA Systems facilitates seamless collaboration among various airport stakeholders, including airlines, ground handlers, airport operations, and air traffic control (ATC).

A unified approach that optimizes the turnaround process and makes operations more efficient, sustainable, and passenger-centric.

As a World Business Partner of Airports Council International (ACI), EMMA Systems aligns closely with ACI’s mission to promote excellence in the aviation industry. ACI World represents the collective interests of airports globally, working with governments, regional ACI members, experts, and international organizations like ICAO to develop policies, programs, and best practices that advance global airport standards.

ACI’s objectives match what EMMA Systems tries to achieve:

– Promoting industry excellence by providing members with innovative tools and expertise.

– Supporting airports in delivering safe and secure air transportation.

– Representing airports’ interests to international and national policymakers.

– Fostering collaboration between airports, governments, industry stakeholders, and international organizations.

– Raising public awareness of airports’ social and economic importance.

EMMA Systems and ACI World share common goals such as improving efficiency and safety in aviation, enhancing collaboration between airports and the industry, and promoting sustainable, passenger-focused travel.

This strong alignment of objectives makes EMMA Systems a natural fit as a World Business Partner to ACI World, working closely together and being partner in several events. A real partnership that underscores EMMA Systems’ commitment to expanding its reach and enhancing customer engagement while contributing to the advancement of global aviation standards.

Let’s write aviation history together

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