Why planning for de-icing should be easy as cake
One of the most complicated tasks during the winter season is without a doubt de-icing and all that it brings along with it .
De-icing can easily be seen as an unforeseen event because – even the best of weather predictions can have it wrong – and then airports need to take all measures they can to make sure flights don’t have to much delay because of time lost during the de-icing process.
A-CDM takes care of managing unforeseen events, it allows to easily reschedule certain operational tasks and shift personnel from one task to the other and manage the different planes that need to be de-iced according to a set of criteria of which adherence to overall time schedule is a key one.
Planning and managing de-icing is not an easy task and without the right tools it’s nearly impossible to do so without losing a lot of time and effort.
Whether at the gate or at special de-icing stands, any tooling should consider the different specific aspects around how de-icing is done, from the time needed to de-ice a understanding the type of plane to the priorities of all the planes awaiting final clearance for departure.
EMMA systems considers all key elements to organize de-icing, from available staff to the equipped gates or mobile equipment to the needs for every specific type of aircraft.
On top of that we also keep an audit trail to understand what has happened, by whom and with what result. De-icing is a potential big time loser but at EMMA Systems we understand how to better manage the process so we can make even the slightest of delays fully predictable and limit the nuisance to both passengers and stakeholders as much as possible.
Want to find out more about how we make the process of de-icing predictable and the nuisance on your daily operations limited? Contact us on info@emma.aero.